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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Monday, 31 January 2005
Everyone can feel it. Something is going to happen. You can sense it in the nervousness and tension in the Inn when everyone falls silent. You can see it on peoples faces, none of these people asked for any of this. brave, brave people. The citzens and adventurers of valorn. With this i mind, and with Enora Leander offering to go training with me, i went down to the dungeons for some old fashioned training. it was quite fun, dare i say it, and Enora begin there for a chat after every kill made thigs more interesting. Along the way we were met by jake Randomzero and Wyeverne, as well as Dirk DT in passing. Wyeverne was very curious as to what was going on down there.. She admitted later on that she was infact jealous.... A strange turn of events in an already confusing situation. I just dont get it... mixed signals or what? On a brighter note, my new Soul Leach fang dagger works a treat. Let us hope that i do not let everything going on get on top of me. I want to be fully operational and helpful should a big demon attack occur..
Korrith wrote this at 12:35. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Thursday, 27 January 2005
*a doodle of the rolling hills in drawn here*

Me and Wyeverne.... its just not meant to be. I cant keep persecuting myself. Shes probrably too good for me anyway. Im going to have to get over her. We went to talk things over. In the rolling hills. We decided it would be best if we still were friends, we simply didnt bring up the love thing and it would leave in time. Gods i hope it leaves. When we were finished she... kissed me. Not the first time she has done.... but the first time on the lips.. i prborably shouldnt be divulging this with ANYONE... She would be so embarassed... But any guys will know what its like, you want to shout from the rooftops.. am i right? Wiat a second. im talking to my diary again. Im going insane...

My training has ground to a halt again. Im so pathetic.

I slept out on the plains that night, beneath the stars, in the life i have forged for myself...
Korrith wrote this at 16:42. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Saturday, 22 January 2005
I should cheer up. I might end up with a permanent curse of the party pooper from the gods if i aint careful. I realise now i do truly like Wyeverne, well, its more than like, but you know what i mean. I realise now that my purpose if to become a cleric and help in battles of the future which will decide the even more distant future. I realise now, that i am not empty, simply filling up. I realise now that i am an idiot for ever thinking otherwise. I realise now, that im talking to my diary way to much..

Talk to you later diary, your the one thing i can ALWAYS talk to...
Korrith wrote this at 11:17. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from
I feel empty. By plaguing Wyeverne with my constant obsession, am i trying to fill the void that was once filled by being in a guild? does a void even exist inside of me? maybe its all inside my head, but do i really like Wyeverne as much as i appear to? I dont really know the answer to any of these questions, as much as id like to. Perhaps i should be happy, happy that in comparison to my fellow adventurers my life has been without much heartbreak. I complain too much...

My training once more slows to almost a stop. Ugh, i feel worthless. In recent times, people have married, babes have been born, all those people have a purpose. but what is mine?

I resign myself to reading the Shrouded Sun, drinking ale and thinking over and over about what next to say to win Wyeverne over....

I must go now, to continue thinkin about where i am actually going, in life...
Korrith wrote this at 05:24. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Monday, 17 January 2005
Dear diary.. heh.

I took my first trip to Kilican today, Bobo kicked me in the shin.. Balthazar sntatched another adventurer. the swine. Hando Quinn fought bravel but fell as far as i can tell. I expected another mass raid like the day before, and in a weird way, i wanted there to be one. to redeem myself for t'other day. I knew that if Balthazar did attack like yesterday. Demon assault troopers would blockade the road to the volcano, directly north from harbour square.. So in harbour Square i waited. motionless, determined. Port perfadis was empty, and my voice echoed on those occassions where i talked to myself. For many a marc i waited, but nothing came. Twas Wyeverne who finally shook me from an awake coma, with a message, she wanted to hear me play my zither. My zither skills are improving. I wrote Wyeverne a song, and she seemed to like it. my day ended in an embarassing moment. one which i have now got over, but i was..... hmm... mildy distraught at the time. I cant think of a better way to describe it than mildy distraught, but anyway. I remembered that when Wyeverne gave me nobility, i exclaimed that i was so happy i could kiss her, but she probrably wouldnt like that. She replied saying she wouldnt mind a peck on the cheek. So, the other day.. i kindof did. i just went up and did it. She didnt like it. at all. or if she did she didnt show it. She glared at me and told me i was very daring to try such a thing, and that she dosnt tolerate it. I souldve thought that one through perhaps.. the strange thing is. normally when a girl tells me no, i can get over them, but this time its differant. I dont know whats happening to me, and i dont know if i like it. One things for sure, I should not let anything i feel for Wyeverne get in the way of my training, if i am to have any hope of getting anywhere in Valorn..
Korrith wrote this at 15:12. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Sunday, 16 January 2005
Quite a lot has happened since i wrote last... Most notably, i am now a noble, thanks to the lovely Wyeverne (I think she felt sorry for me, seeing as she turned me down when i told her i liked her..). With my new found nobility i have been able to travel to N'rolav (with Fleur as guide) and get myself some new armour. Next stop Kilican.

Now i am noble, i have been able to play my String Zither, and i have been playing it and practising whenever i can. I think im getting better.

Im tied to Dundee Inn again, i got very bored of poultry. Enora Leander pretty much humiliated me, by making me her handmaiden. Everyone else made a big deal out of it, but i didnt really care..

Yesterday however, on the whole, wasnt a good day for me. Balthazar kidnapped Catalia, and unleashed many forces throughout valorn. I was slow, i got lost, i went to the wrong places, and while the rest of my comrades fell in battle, where was i? what was i doing? nothing! i didnt even see a demon! Im so ashamed of myself... I am a useless, worthless, weakling on the face of Valorn.

*There is more written here, but it has been scribbled out in a hurry....*

... I just hope that if this ever happens again, i wont be so pathetic...
Korrith wrote this at 05:22. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (1)
Scribbles from Wednesday, 05 January 2005
Its no secret that until now, my days were considered uneventful by most, but after much.. 'Extreme encouragement' by Richard DeVille and a host of others, I have resumed my training, striving to make Valorn a better place, as such, I thought Id keep a diary so I could look back and laugh in the future, at all my past thoughts.

While I have started training again, I am still a frequent visitor to the Inn's of Valorn, nowadays, I stick around the Milltown Inn. I often bump into people that i once knew, but through lack of training and moving on, i have lost touch with. My attempts to be a more social person, in a weird kind of way, have made me less social. Not to mention I am getting tired of new adventurers being a higher level than me after only a few days of exploring.

In my time at Milltown Inn recently, i have met Mylor Clearspring, not for the first time, but for the first time in a long time. I find him to be Engaging in conversation, as well as funny. He gave me some Giant Claw Curstacean Gauntlets, something i used to have, but gave away. I like wearing them in battle, even though they arent very comfortable.

Also i have bumped into the two inseperable ladies, Eshthala Shadowwolf and Venus Darkmoon. Venus has had some.. strange encounters with a few unsavoury characters, and illness plagued her in recent times. Sometimes i feel she is hiding things from me. Then again, i wouldnt say we were the best of friends, everyone has secrets, maybe its best not to probe or be nosy. Venus continues to take great care of Isolde, who i find, even though an infant, makes any room she fills in general, brighter, in a way. Eshthala is the same Esthala i remember pretty much. With added responsibility. She is temporary leader of the Legion of Light, a guild which i left (and still feel slightly guilty about leaving, as if the current state of the legion, fairly inactive, is somehow down to me).

I guess i should get used to how things are now. As the only thing i can predict around the corner is more of the same. Still, you never know, only time will tell. laugh.gif
Korrith wrote this at 14:31. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
034886 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head